Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mike Johanns: RNC Day # 3 – I appreciate it because of the big screen and the jokes, but somewhere Tina Fey is missing her body double

There is nothing like a Rudolph Giuliani speech.

If a person ever wanted a definition of the word “asshole,” (a word that is never used lightly by the Watchtower, but always on purpose) one would only have to listen to the former New York City Mayor huff and puff and blow his way down a speech.

It’s almost as if Rudy went to an ad lib service for speeches, and then entered the words pussies, wimps, awesome explosions, and annoying slogans for rich people to chant off beat, and off key.

But enough talk about the poor first five rows that got a good soaking.

A thought occurred to the crew burning the midnight oil at the Watchtower.

Why didn’t the Grand Ole Party want the current commander and chef (yes we said chef) in St. Paul? Well that question answers itself, but what about his pals, where were his partners in crime? Could the average Fox News viewer pick them out of the mayonnaise colored crowd? A difficult task to be sure, and those that endured found only a few.

Men of reason can discern why the Republicans do not want the current President to show up in the flesh at his own party’s convention. The same must hold true for his associates, his cabinet members, his closest advisors

Is the country so dissatisfied with the job that they have done that their own party has abandoned them?

Interesting then to see the new GOP platform

“The Government should end mandates for ethanol and let the free market work”

Nebraskans should ask themselves two questions in response.

1. What would the elimination of the renewable fuel standard do to the Nebraska economy?
2. What would happen to the price of gas?

Also interesting, are Mike’s Comments about the unfortunate closing of the De Witt Vise-Grip plant:

I want to do everything I can to fight that, to keep those jobs here.”

With fuel costs rising, Johanns said it’s going to be harder for businesses to send their manufacturing operations all over the world because shipping is becoming too expensive

By his logic, increasing fuel costs are good for Americans because it makes it more expensive to outsource overseas.

It then makes sense for his party to favor a repeal of the ethanol standard, because they're just trying to raise fuel prices to pad the oil and gas company coffers.

And the most horrendous part is that they are trying to hoodwink the hardworking American public into thinking it will save American jobs.

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