Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mike Johanns, Emperor of the Confederacy of Dunces

“Never interrupt your opponent when he is making a mistake”

—Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French

One must no longer rely solely on common sense when making the statement that Mike Johanns vastly underestimated the intelligence of the people of Nebraska. Now, one has numbers, as a recent
poll by The University of Nebraska finds not only do rural Nebraskans believe in anthropogenic global warming, but are in favor of immediate government action to solve the problem.

“A concern about the future among many rural Nebraskans…led them to be unusually supportive of aggressive government action,” the report says.

A common mantra from the likes of Ann Coulter is that their opponents call them stupid. Well, perhaps the next time Mike Johanns wants to call Nebraskans stupid, he shouldn’t do it in a televised debate—broadcast on the radio statewide—live at the Nebraska State Fair.

The article:
The report:

Que esta viendo a los vigilantes

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